Here are two complete 1Frame setups - made up with similar modules, but with slight differences.
System One (Top) -
PWR - Mini-Power // CTL2 - Joystick/Touch // ENV1 - Attack Decay // 2 x SYN2A - Utility VCO // DD2 - LFO/DC-Mix // PRC3A - SV Filter // PRC2 - BugCrusher // DD1 - Modulator/LoPassGate // UTL2 - Output Mix
System Two (Bottom) -
PWR - Mini-Power // CTL2 - Joystick/Touch // ENV1 - Attack Decay // SYN1 - Weevil // SYN2A Utility VCO // DD2 - LFO/DC-Mix // PRC3A - SV Filter // DD1 - Modulator / LoPassGate // UTL2 - Output Mix
These systems are to be offered to the BugModularMailingList.